Art and culture are the foundations of human existence. In conflicts and during reconstruction and development after traumatic events, art and cultural projects can sustainably influence social development. Firmly convinced of this fact, Switzerland started a Culture Programme in South-Eastern Europe and the Ukraine in 1999, which focused on the countries of the Western Balkans and cross-border projects between 2008 and 2013. This programme was completed in the summer of 2013.
To what extent have the supported projects promoted social change? How do support programmes influence local cultural productions and the cultural exchange of these countries with Switzerland? What can we learn from the experiences gained in the Balkans for cultural cooperation with other countries and regions around the world? Experts, artists and cultural mediators from Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Albania and Switzerland as well as programme coordinators from the ‹Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation› and ‹Pro Helvetia› will discuss their intentions, experiences, successes and failures in public for a whole day. Short films, music, dance and artistic video clips as well as an exhibition will round off the lectures and discussions (English-German).
In the morning, introductory lectures by the programme coordinators and experts, under the title ‹Arts and Social Change›, will be the focal point of the programme. The afternoon will deal with ‹Cultural Encounters›: Artists and event organisers provide insights into their projects and will talk about the opportunities and difficulties of support programmes and intercultural exchange with Swiss artists.
The detailed conference program: PDF
Registration until 02.12.: REGISTRATION FORM
The conference participation is free.
Simultaneous translation English-German.
An event of artlink realized in cooperation with CULTURESCAPES and with the support of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
Entrance free