17 September 2013
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Les balkans n’existent pas! images, spaces and cultures in south-eastern europe Martina Baleva & Boris Previšić, University of Basel: Introduction
Die Einführung bietet einen Überblick über die Begriffsgeschichte und den wissenschaftlichen Diskurs der letzten zwanzig Jahre.
24 September 2013
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‹Balkan nomads. travelling - crossing - mobility› Tatjana Petzer, Zurich/Berlin: Balkans-Crossover. Nomadic times in politics, art and everyday life
As a consequence of the wars and political upheaval in South-Eastern Europe, cultural borders are becoming increasingly blurred and exchange relationships more diverse.
01 October 2013
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‹Balkan nomads. travelling - crossing - mobility› Ilma Rakuša, Zurich: The Balkans and the sea. Lecture and discussion
As a consequence of the wars and political upheaval in South-Eastern Europe, cultural borders are becoming increasingly blurred and exchange relationships more diverse.
15 October 2013
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‹Balkan nomads. travelling - crossing - mobility› Nada Boškovska, Zurich: Gastarbajteri (migrant workers). Stories of immigration from Yugoslavia
As a consequence of the wars and political upheaval in South-Eastern Europe, cultural borders are becoming increasingly blurred and exchange relationships more diverse.
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Les balkans n’existent pas! images, spaces and cultures in south-eastern europe Maria Todorova, University of Illinois: The Balkans as an analysis category and historical legacy
Der Vortrag analysiert den Balkan als Geschichtsregion und führt ein in den Begriff des historischen Vermächtnisses, um die Komplexität und Plastizität des historischen Prozesses hervorzuheben.
22 October 2013
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‹Balkan nomads. travelling - crossing - mobility› Ivan Majić, Jena: Writing Abroad - The Novel as a Home. Post-Yugoslav Literature between Exile and Nomadism
As a consequence of the wars and political upheaval in South-Eastern Europe, cultural borders are becoming increasingly blurred and exchange relationships more diverse.
29 October 2013
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‹Balkan nomads. travelling - crossing - mobility› Ilija Trojanow, Vienna: Returning. Lecture and discussion
As a consequence of the wars and political upheaval in South-Eastern Europe, cultural borders are becoming increasingly blurred and exchange relationships more diverse.
05 November 2013
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‹Balkan nomads. travelling - crossing - mobility› Mirna Zeman, Paderborn: Morlachs on the soup label. Balkan hypes and Balkan brands
As a consequence of the wars and political upheaval in South-Eastern Europe, cultural borders are becoming increasingly blurred and exchange relationships more diverse.
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