Ten director graduates of Marina Razbezhkina's School of Documentary Film and Theatre in Moscow spent two months filming and documenting the political demonstrations against Vladimir Putin‘s latest presidential campaign. People, faces, interviews, protests, e.g. by Pussy Riot, defeats and triumphs provide an interesting chronicle of the election campaign.
Elena Khoreva , Denis Klebleev , Askold Kurov , Dmitry Kusabov , Nadezhda Leonteva , Anna Moiseenko , Madina Mustafina , Sofia Rodkevich , Anton Seregin and Alexey Zhiriakov, RU 2012, 79' OV/e, DVD
The two screenings will be followed by an interview with one of the directors, Anton Seregin (*1983).
supporting movie: Last Putin on Earth. (international art collective Ultrafuturo, 2012, 3', mp4)
Entrance fee: CHF 13 /8