
Culturescapes Moskau

The Stage of Presentation

Culturescapes Moskau

The Stage of Presentation

Dance on the Volcano: Culture in Moscow

In the field of tension between idea and reality

Festival ‹Culturescapes Moscow›: October to November 2012 in Switzerland

In Moscow, social developments have taken place with particular intensity since the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Twenty years after the system change and Putin's return to the Kremlin, the question of the future seems to be louder again.

Through the prism of a multi-layered cultural scene, the publication provides a differentiated view of today's Moscow. Russian and foreign experts ask about the new possibilities and limits of cultural life. They explore the relationship between art and society in the field of tension between the world we live in and our life's dreams, between departure and the restorative events of the recent past. Theatre, film, photography, literature and the visual arts give these debates their own form of expression.

Informative and illuminating (Verena Stössinger, bz, 22.11.2012)

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