<The Death of a Giraffe> is the absurd, funny and sad story about the death of the head of a family - in this case a circus giraffe. Seven circus artists perform a tea ceremony. But their imagination runs wild, turning the whistling kettle and a small rickety table into a giraffe. And the next circus act soon follows: The cute animal hardly has time to position its yellow balloon head before it unfortunately passes away to the sound of a drum roll: A trapeze artist falls to the floor with a crash and the giraffe collapses.
The surviving giraffes now take part in a funeral parade with tragically funny monologues. This play uses a rich blend of grotesque theatre and has all the hallmarks of the visual artistry of DMITRY KRYMOV. His theatre laboratory "School of Dramatic Art" is one of the most innovative theatres in Moscow.
Idea & director: Dmitrij Krymov
Bühnenbild: Vera Martynova
actors: Maria Smolnikova, Mikhail Umanets, Inna Sukharetskaya, Irina Denisova, Seragey Melkonyan, Arcady Kirichenko, Natalia Gorchakova
Video & Computergrafik: Philipp Vinogradov, Alexander Shaposhnikov, Svyatoslav Zaytsev
lightning: Olga Ravvivh, Anton Morozov
sound: Sergey Alexandrov
Requisite: Maria Masalskaya
costumes: Svetlana Zabavnikova
Technik: Alexander Nazarov, Anton Telkov
Regieassistenz: Margarita Bondarenko
entrance fee: CHF 30 / 20