Opening: state chamber orchestra Gara Garayev, Azerbaijan

The opening of CULTURESCAPES will see the clash and fusion of differing musical styles, resulting in a single milieu of variety and contrast.

The opening of CULTURESCAPES will see the clash and fusion of differing musical styles, resulting in a single milieu of variety and contrast. Come and witness an extraordinary evening during which traditional and contemporary works melt into one, geared towards widening our musical horizons.

A violoncello concert, a commissioned work by the Azerbaijani composer Frangiz Alizade, will be premiered. Her works are the perfect fusion of traditional and modern composing techniques. The solo part will be performed by the Russian cellist Ivan Monighetti. The classical piece is rounded off with traditional interludes by the Natig percussion ensemble.

The delightful interplay between various origins, traditions and styles provides a complex image of present day Azerbaijan, characterised by historical and cultural intricacy. A real rollercoaster of musical emotions.

Teymur Göychayev

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