19 October 2009
Opening: state chamber orchestra Gara Garayev, Azerbaijan
The opening of CULTURESCAPES will see the clash and fusion of differing musical styles, resulting in a single milieu of variety and contrast.
25 October 2009
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Portraitkonzert frangiz alizade
Frangiz Alizade, born in Baku in 1947, was trained as a pianist and composer at the conservatory in Baku by Gara Garayev, becoming her aspirant from 1973 to 1976.
01 November 2009
Latif – face to face
Azerbaijan, 1930: When the first tractor arrived in the remote mountain village of Chadlan, it resulted in a unique "class struggle" between those who viewed the machine as a symbol of a new age and those who feared it.
Basel sinfonietta
The basel sinfonietta invites you on a musical journey through Far Eastern countries.
02 November 2009
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Series of lecture: azerbaijan - diversity of nature and nature protection
Issues of this lecture are the wide diversity of landscape in Azerbaijan, new National Parks and the tourism of nature.
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Ingo Petz & Veit helmer in dialogue
The Berlin-based author Ingo Petz will read from his book "Kuckucksuhren in Baku" (Cuckoo Clocks in Baku) (2006), an account of his travels in which he humorously and intelligently describes his experiences in a country that is rarely visited by backpackers...
Latif – face to face
Azerbaijan, 1930: When the first tractor arrived in the remote mountain village of Chadlan, it resulted in a unique "class struggle" between those who viewed the machine as a symbol of a new age and those who feared it.
03 November 2009
Basel sinfonietta
The basel sinfonietta invites you on a musical journey through Far Eastern countries.
Latif – face to face
Azerbaijan, 1930: When the first tractor arrived in the remote mountain village of Chadlan, it resulted in a unique "class struggle" between those who viewed the machine as a symbol of a new age and those who feared it.
04 November 2009
Carpets from azerbaijan (09/11/04 - 09/11/26)
Rug knotting is considered one of the oldest crafts in Azerbaijan and other countries of the Caucasus region.
05 November 2009
Isfar rzayev-sarabski
The young piano virtuoso from Azerbaijan, the exceptional winner of the Montreux Jazz Solo Piano Competition 2009, is not only a big favourite with jazz fans.
06 November 2009
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Workshop zur aserbaidschanischen teppichknüpfkunst
Als besonderes Highlight der Ausstellung aserbaidschanischer Teppichknüpfkunst findet im Rahmen von CULTURESCAPES Aserbaidschan ein Workshop statt.
Isfar rzayev-sarabski
The young piano virtuoso from Azerbaijan, the exceptional winner of the Montreux Jazz Solo Piano Competition 2009, is not only a big favourite with jazz fans.
09 November 2009
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Vortragsreihe: die technische und wirtschaftliche entwicklungszusammenarbeit der schweiz mit der republik aserbaidschan
In der mit einzigartiger Naturschönheit gesegneten südkaukasischen Republik hat sich seit der Unabhängigkeit im Jahre 1991 vieles verändert.
10 November 2009
Bakunlimited (10.11.-29.11.)
BAKuNLIMITED addresses the contemporary art scene in Azerbaijan, which has been particularly influenced by the social transformation of the past decades.
‹Lieder & leaders›: ein konzertabend mit Salman Gambarov und Farida Mammadova
The jazz pianist and composer Salman Gambarov and the soprano Farida Mamedova interpret excerpts from the song cycles of Franz Schubert, Johannes Brahms and Gustav Mahler...
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