China is finding a new position on the global stage. The newly created self-image has to be legitimated through tradition, but there also has to be a process of digestion, because the events of the past always seem to emerge in times of change. How can this process be seen in the culture and what do these new, young voices of China sound like? How does China exchange its cultural wealth with other countries?
All of the lectures will be held in German.
Mo, October 18th 2010 : Strong China - weak China. Current debates in the People's Republic of China about the country's role in this world.
Jutta Lietsch, correspondent, die Tageszeitung (taz), Basler Zeitung (BaZ)
Mo, October 25th 2010: The way of the wise in post-modernity - Confucianism today.
Marc Winter, Prof.Dr., Sinologe, Universität Freiburg i. Br.
Mo, November 11th 2010: The non-locus of the revolution. Chinas unfinished stories. Andrea Riemenschnitter, Prof.Dr., Sinologin, Universität Zürich
Mo 08.11.2010: Young caricatures and cartoons in China - between patriotism and criticism. Andreas Seifert, Dr., Sinologe, Universität Tübingen
Mo 15.11.2010: Contemporary literature in China: Chinese literature in its most dynamic time period (1980-2010)
Jing Bartz, Dr., former director of the German Book Office Beijing of the Frankfurt Book Fare.
Mo 18.10.10-15.11.10, 5-times, 18.30 - 19.45 h
Universität Basel, Kollegienhaus, Petersplatz 1, Basel