Animation artist Sun Xun, born in 1980, is one of the emerging young Chinese artists. He combines drawn sketches and traditional material with new media. The artist is well known for his animated drawings, which are combined with other texts, filmed individually and edited into a film. In his solo show, he displays a great number of drawings and prints, as well as his latest film production. His topics revolve around elements of world history, world politics or natural organisms
Yang Fudong, born in Beijing in 1971, has become one of the most renowned artists in recent years. In his work, he focuses on cracks and breaking points created by rapid changes in society. He deals with the search for identity and the suffering in the process of the growth of his generation and their attitude towards tradition and the fast pace of modern life. The films of Yang Fudong follow the traces of the rapid political, economical and cultural development of China. They swing between intimacy and isolation, between illusionary safety and quiet anxiety. Yang Fudong looks beyond the cracks and presents a world full of contradictions. In the exhibition of the Kunsthaus Baselland he presents all five parts of his ongoing film sequence ‹Seven Intellectuals in a Bamboo Forest›. The movies are based on the stories of seven intellectuals of the historical Wei and Jin Dynasty. They met in a bamboo forest to live out their desire for individuality and freedom. The Basel-based artist Mireille Gros, born in 1958, has immersed herself in Chinese culture and dealt extensively with the philosopher Zhuang Zi over the past few years. Her solo show is about ‹The use of the useless› and shows a variety of new drawings, photos and paintings.