In 2017 Switzerland and Greece celebrate 100 years of diplomatic relations - in the shadow of fenced off borders, debt crises and right-wing populism. What is the true re-lationship between North and South? Three young activists from Switzerland and Greece discuss possibilities of non-parliamentary political participation and of strength-ening European civil society. Katerina Anastasiou, Greek living in Austria, is responsible for migration and global strategy at transform!Europe. Her focus is militant organisa-tional practice and communication. After studying economics, philosophy and compara-tive literature in London and Oxford, Greek lyricist Nikos Erinakis is now involved in various Athenian think tanks and teaches political philosophy, among other subjects. Dominik Gross from Allianz Süd is a Swiss journalist who, since his studies in history and philosophy, has been focusing on the history of economics, social inequality and the international financial system. A cooperation with foraus and the Zentrum Karl der Grosse.
WITH Nikos Erinakis, Dominik Gross, Katharina Anastasiou and Folrian Egli (modera-tion)