02 October 2017
Food and drink
For the first time as part of CULTURESCAPES we are dedicating ourselves also to the culture of dining.
05 October 2017
The Great Tamer
«He never denies his culture or roots, or the fact that he is a accomplished artist, a tragic and a Greek in his heart.» (Il Sole 24 ORE) Dimitris Papaioannou is internationally known for his distinctive style of body-toned picture theater.
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Greek music festival
At the two-day Greek Music Festival you can discover and experience Greek music in its rich variety:...
07 October 2017
The Great Tamer
«He never denies his culture or roots, or the fact that he is a accomplished artist, a tragic and a Greek in his heart.» (Il Sole 24 ORE) Dimitris Papaioannou is internationally known for his distinctive style of body-toned picture theater.
08 October 2017
Inside is an art film, a six-hour take without a beginning, middle or end: Dimitris Papaioannou has 30 performers repeat the same simple movements, rituals and everyday routines in numerous combinations and overlaps.
The Great Tamer
«He never denies his culture or roots, or the fact that he is a accomplished artist, a tragic and a Greek in his heart.» (Il Sole 24 ORE) Dimitris Papaioannou is internationally known for his distinctive style of body-toned picture theater.
10 October 2017
Game Over
With «Game Over» he now delivers his autobiographical insider report of those years, during which the drama in Greece changed Europe.
12 October 2017
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
13 October 2017
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
14 October 2017
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
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What Europe owes Greece
Lecture by Thomas A. Szlezák, University of Tübingen  It has been clear for a long time that the in-depth study of the Greek-Roman antiquity is threatened, for scholarly (and practical) reasons.
Imam Baildi
The unique band Imam Baildi from Athens mixes wild house, hiphop, and latin rhythms with melodies from the 30s and balkan brass: an urban mix of traditional, Greek music with new instrumentation, production and remix techniques.
Evros Walk Water 1 & 2
For Evros Walk Water Daniel Wetzel 2015 created a multi-voice protocol with underage refugees in Athens, documenting stories of their escape and survival, in the form of a walkable installation with various audio stations for 24 spectators.
15 October 2017
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The Greek organist Ourania Gassiou is a graduate of the Royal Academy of Music in London, where she studied with Nicolas Kynaston, receiving scholarship of the Onassis Foundation.
18 October 2017
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Traditional greek pasta – grandmothers recipe Cooking class
In our Workshop with festival chef Stavros Chrysafidis you will collectively cook Spätzli-like traditional pasta from Crete, known as skioufichta, makarounes or zymenia.
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The Meaning of Occidental Classicism in the Educational Canon of China
Lecture Series from the School of European Global Studies, every Wednesday, 18.15-19.45, Hörsaal 115 in the Kollegienhaus of the University of Basel
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Greek serenade
The main focus of the CULTURESCAPES classical music program is the work of the Greek com-poser Nikos Skalkottas; alongside Dimitri Mitropoulos the most important representative of New Music in Greece. He studied violin at the Athens Conservatory, and from 1927 to 1932 he studied under Arnold Schönberg at the Prussian Academy of Arts.
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