The show is based on the life story of Louis Braille who lived in the 19th century. At the age of three, Louis lost his eyes in an accident and from then onwards learned to perceive the world around him by sounds and by touch. But his hands traveled aimlessly over the flat printed pages of books. Would he ever be able to read and write? His thirst for knowledge coupled with the love and support of those around him led Louis, at the age of fifteen to make his marvelous invention: the alphabet for the blind. The design is minimalist. The materials come from the world of books: paper, ink, pencils... light is manipulated on stage like another material.
‹What to say and what to do when you have to write about a show which leaves you speechless? Everything, from the words to the gesture, from the objects to the ideas, everything is at the right place. With so little means, the show reaches the Essential.› - Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsac