25 October 2017
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READING THE WORLD: The Women of Andros
With Lydia Zimmer The Basel book club is on a literary world trip: every month a book from a different country is chosen and impressions are exchanged.
31 October 2017
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READING THE WORLD: The Women of Andros
With Lydia Zimmer The Basel book club is on a literary world trip: every month a book from a different country is chosen and impressions are exchanged.
02 November 2017
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Just wait, something’s happening
«Christos Ikonomou gives the crisis a face, many faces.» (NZZ) His stories are set in Piraeus, around the big harbour.
11 November 2017
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Crisis with no end?
«Nowhere else do you learn as much about Greece as in Petros Markaris’ crime novels», the Berner Zeitung writes about the most famous greek contemporary author. He is also sought after as a political commentator.
In Greece after the crisis, money seems to be flowing again, but this makes inspector Kostas Charitos quite wary: where is all the money coming from suddenly? People are enjoying life, as if there never was a crisis.
Internationale Babelinstrumillustrationalisierung
Poetry is much different than you would expect. On this evening the flexibility of this supposedly solid format will be celebrated, while sprinkles of dust fall confetti-like from the stage.
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«Odyssey» has become a synonym for a long wandering. For ten years King Odysseus wandered about. The adventurous epic of Homer is doubtless one of the most important works of world literature.
20 November 2017
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Contemporary Greek Literature: The Beautiful Unknown
The crisis hit the literary industry in Greece hard; publishers had to close. Meanwhile, German-speaking publishers confine their programmes to Greek literature dealing with the crisis, in or-der to remain current and publicly effective.
21 November 2017
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Contemporary Greek Literature: The Beautiful Unknown
The crisis hit the literary industry in Greece hard; publishers had to close. Meanwhile, German-speaking publishers confine their programmes to Greek literature dealing with the crisis, in or-der to remain current and publicly effective.
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