Ana Blandiana And Franz Hodjak

Ana Blandiana (*1942) was already an established author and publisher when in protest against the regime in the late 1980's she published political poetry and became a pivotal fi gure in the political upheaval.

Ana Blandiana (*1942) was already an established author and publisher when in protest against the regime in the late 1980's she published political poetry and became a pivotal fi gure in the political upheaval. Ana Blandiana is the initiator and president of Memorial Sighet, a memorial for the victims of Communism. She now presides over the Rumanian PEN Club.

Franz Hodjak (*1944) was a proofreader at the Klausenburger Dacia publishing house for many years until he moved to Germany in 1992. His poems, stories and novels, the central theme of which are the traumata of fl ight and homelessness, have been published by the Suhrkamp publishing house. In 1990 he was awarded the Carinthian national prize at the Ingeborg Bachmann contest.

Ana Blandiana
Franz Hodjak

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Ana Blandiana
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