01 January 2007
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Tanz der unendlichkeit
Niculescus Schüler Horaţiu Rădulescu (*1942) komponiert archaische, kosmisch anmutende Musik.
14 November 2007
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Opening Concert
Guy Morin Regierungsvizepräsident und Vorsteher des Justizdepartements Kanton BS Niggi Ullrich Kulturbeauftragter Kanton BL
16 November 2007
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Transsylvanische Und Rumänische Lieder
In addition to international concert performances with orchestras and a classical repertoire of songs
17 November 2007
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In Cooperation With Ignm Basel Portraitkonzert Stefan Niculescu
Ştefan Niculescu (*1927), who has received many prizes as a composer,
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In Cooperation With Ignm Basel Portraitkonzert Stefan Niculescu
Ştefan Niculescu (*1927), who has received many prizes as a composer, musicologist and educator, studied in the 1940's with the most important Rumanian musical fi gures of the period.
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In zusammenarbeit mit der ignm Zürich portraitkonzert Stefan Niculescu
Stefan Niculescu (*1927), vielfach preisgekrönter Komponist, Musikwissenschaftler und Pädagoge,...
18 November 2007
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Idyll And Guerrilla
It was the Ernst von Siemens Foundation in Munich which made the establishment of the Profi l ensemble in 2003 possible.
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Idyll And Guerrilla
It was the Ernst von Siemens Foundation in Munich which made the establishment of the Profi l ensemble in 2003 possible
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Idyllen und Guerrillen
Die Gründung des Ensemble Profil im Jahre 2003 wurde durch die Ernst von Siemens Stiftung München ermöglicht.
20 November 2007
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Vokal- Und Instrumentalmusik Aus Rumänien
The Bucharest Metropolitan Ensemble will perform works by the great Rumanian composers of the 20th centur
21 November 2007
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Tabu Suite
Ion Bogdan Ştefănescu, solo flautist with the Bucharest Philharmonic Orchestra George Enescu
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Hackbrett Meets Cymbalon – Music Across The Border
Nicolas Simion was born in 1959 in the Carpathian Mountains and studied classical music in Bucharest.
23 November 2007
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Transylvanian Grooves
Nicolas Simion was born in 1959 in the Carpathian Mountains and studied classical music in Bucharest.
24 November 2007
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Shukar Collective
The tones from the Balkans are booming: one of the most daring experiments is the Shukar Collective with the three Roma musicians Napoleon, already well-known from Taraf de Haïdouks, Tamango and Clasic, as its musical core
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Aurel Stroe (*1932) greift in seiner dreiteiligen Kammeroper «Die Trilogie der geschlossenen Stadt - eine neue Orestie» zurück auf Aischylos' Tragödienstoff,...
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The Eumenids
In his tripartite chamber opera «The trilogy of the closed city - a new Oresteia»
28 November 2007
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«Crumbl's» is a loaf of bread with marmalade. Or a plate of plum dumplings
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