13 November 2007
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Lia Perjovschi, die als konzeptuelle und sozialkritische Künstlerin in Bukarest arbeitet,...
14 November 2007
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Opening Concert
OPENING SPEECH Guy Morin Regierungsvizepräsident und Vorsteher des Justizdepartements Kanton BS Niggi Ullrich Kulturbeauftragter Kanton BL
16 November 2007
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Freiheit Und Fragmente Stadt, Architektur Und Gesellschaft In Rumänien Nach 1990
In conjunction with the Swiss Museum of Architecture we will be presenting the exhibition «Remix, fragments of a country», as shown at the Biennale in Venice, 2006.
20 November 2007
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Mircea Cartarescu
Mircea Cărtărescu, born in 1956 in Bucharest, made his debut as a poet at the age of 22 and published a series of poetry volumes which made him one of the leading figures of his generation.
23 November 2007
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Workshop Balkan-Jazz
Nicolas Simion was born in 1959 in the Carpathian Mountains and studied classical music in Bucharest
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