Marta Górnicka «Hymn to Love»

This is a show about Europe closing its ranks. Nation after nation is crying out: Give us back our country! 
Credits: © Magda Hueckel

This is a show about Europe closing its ranks. Nation after nation is crying out: Give us back our country! And Poles are eagerly joining in the chorus. The image of an orchestra playing music in death camps and the Holocaust are the starting point for Górnicka's confrontation with the rise of present day European nationalism and the migration crisis. In her libretto, Marta Górnicka exposes the obscene language of politics today, refers to Internet hate-speech, quotes statements by politicians and by fundamentalist fighters and terrorists, and confronts them with pop songs and patriotic songs.

Polisch with German surtitles.

A production by THE CHORUS OF WOMEN Foundation and Teatr Polski w Poznaniu, in co-produktion with the Maxim Gorki Theater and the Ringlokschuppen Ruhr. Co-financed by the  city of Warsaw, the city Poznan and the Artfoundation NRW. With friendly support from the Goethe Institut München, the Goethe Institut Warsaw and the Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowski Castle.

Concept/Text/Direction: Marta Górnicka
Music: Teoniki Rożynek
Choreography: Anna Godowska
Dramaturgy: Agata Adamiecka 
Stage design: Robert Rumas
Costumes: Anna Maria Karczmarska
Puppets: Konrad Czarkowski (Kony Puppets)
Light design: Artur Sienicki
Production: Izabela Dobrowolsky, Agnieszka Różyńska
Vocal Coach: Joanna Piech-Slawecka
With: Sylwia Achu, Anna Andrzejewska, Maria Chleboś, Konrad Cichoń, Piotr B. Dąbrowski, Tymoteusz Dąbrowski , Maciej Dużyński, Anna Maria Gierczyńska, Paula Głowacka, Maria Haile, Wojciech Jaworski, Borys Jaźnicki, Katarzyna Jaźnicka, Ewa Konstanciak, Irena Lipczyńska, Kamila Michalska, Izabela Ostolska, Filip Piotr Rutkowski, Michał Sierosławski, Ewa Sołtysiak, Kaja Stępkowska, Ewa Szumska, Krystyna Lama Szydłowska, Kornelia Trawkowska, Anastazja Żak

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