Anna Karasińska «Fantazja»

As the title suggests, «Fantazja» plays with fantasy. To be exact: With the fantasy of the audience. Is there any thing that is inconceivable in the theatre?
Credits: © Magda Hueckel

TR Warszawa, Warsaw

As the title suggests, «Fantazja» plays with fantasy. To be exact: With the fantasy of the audience. Is there any thing that is inconceivable in the theatre? Anna Karasińska is heard through loudspeakers, her words painting imaginary scenes which the six actors portray on a completely empty stage: One plays an audience member who used to stare at people in trams and shopping centres, which did not go down to well. But he believes you are allowed to stare at people in the theatre. An imaginative space is created between the minimalistic acting and the live spoken texts, which the audience fills with their own imagination. The result is moments of stand-up comedy, minimal reactions where the audience projects the rest. It is all about focussing on situations or emotions drawn with a few quick strokes: Suggestive images in a handful of lines: A theatre haiku, so to speak.

Directed by: Anna Karasińska 
Dramaturgy: Magdalena Rydzewska, Jacek Telenga 
Stage design and costumes: Paula Grocholska 
Choreography: Magda Ptasznik 
Lighting design: Szymon Kluz 
Assistant director/stage manager: Malwina Szumacher 
Production manager: Katarzyna Białach 
Cast: Agata Buzek, Dobromir Dymecki, Rafał Maćkowiak, Maria Maj, Zofia Wichłacz, Adam Woronowicz 


*Note: culturescapes audience special (14 € instead of 28 €) for the performance on the 9th of October at La Filature. Book through the following link: (password: Culturescapes).

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